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Parent power

Parents and carers have a leading role to play in supporting their children’s participation and enjoyment of sport.

Actively engaging parents can also provide extra help and support when you need it most and help spread the word about your group. 

Here's how you can reach out to them... 

The Sports Parents Promise

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) asks parents to sign up for their ‘Sports Parents Promise’. This is a central component of their annual ‘Parents in Sport Week’ in October.

However, you can encourage parents to sign up all year round. 

Here's the three-part promise... 

Make sure you choose somewhere safe and fun
Make sure the sports group you choose together is safe and fun. 

Parents and carers are encouraged to ask five questions about the policies and procedures they have in place. 
Talk about any concerns
Listen to your child(ren) if they have any worries or don't seem happy. 

Ask what could be changed to improve their experience. If they have concerns about bullying, discrimination, behaviour or abuse, then talk to the club’s welfare or child protection officer. 
Be supportive
Always support your child(ren) and their teammates in a positive way. 

Be good role models, keep the atmosphere positive by shouting encouragement not criticism, respect the decisions of officials and encourage your child(ren) to have fun. 

Five questions to help parents choose a safe sports group

Here are five questions that parents and carers should feel able to ask a community organisation.

You should be able to answer the questions reassuringly.

There's guidance here, to show what parents will be expecting from a safe, well-governed organisation. 

Do you safely recruit your workforce? 
Whatever the size of your organisation, you should have robust recruitment processes in place for staff members and/or volunteers. This should include a process for interviews, references and screening.

The CPSU recommends certain checks are integral to your recruitment processes for all staff and volunteers who will come into regular contact with children and young people.

These include obtaining: 
- Proof of identity. 
- At least two satisfactory references. 
- A DBS check. 
Does your group have a safeguarding policy? 
Your organisation must have a Safeguarding Children Policy.

This policy should: 
- Provide a statement on how your organisation is committed to safeguarding children. 
- Outline procedures for reporting, recording and responding to concerns and complaints relating to safeguarding. 
- Be clear to parents, staff and volunteers that you are committed to protecting the welfare of your members and participants. 
- Have a nominated welfare or child protection officer in place. 
What happens if there's an accident?
You must have a robust procedure in place for dealing with any accidents or incidents.

Make sure you ask parents or carers for up-to-date emergency contact information. Update this on a regular basis and notify parents or carers as soon as possible if an accident occurs.

The CPSU recommend the following steps are taken when an accident occurs: 
- Make contact with parents/guardians. 
- Contact emergency services or a GP if required. 
- Fill in two copies of the accident reporting form for all accidents – record details of the facts surrounding the accident, any witnesses and so on. 
- Identify any follow up actions that need to be taken (this should be signed off by a senior club officer or official). 
- File one copy of the form in your accident/incident book or folder. 
- Forward one copy of the form to a designated person for record-keeping and following up on actions required. 
Who can I talk to?
In line with HM Government’s guide, Working Together to Safeguard Children, and the standards set out by the CPSU, all sports groups working with children and young people should have a safeguarding lead.

Many organisations combine this role with their Welfare Officer role.

Promote an open culture where everyone feels that they can raise concerns without fear of judgement or being ignored. 
What training is there? 
Your group should openly share information about the validity and level of all qualifications held by your coaches, Welfare Officer and other staff and volunteers where relevant.

You should refer to your national governing bodies (NGBs) for guidance on coaching and other relevant qualifications.

The CPSU also offer a free e-learning course for parents and carers to help them understand their role in keeping children safe in sport and physical activity.  

See the 'Useful links' section, on this page, for all links.

Tips for promoting trust with parents

Showcasing and spreading the word.

Making your policies easy to access. This will help to reinforce that your group is safe, accountable and an appropriate environment for children and young people.

To get the message out, we recommend that you do the following... ​​​​​​

Make your documents easy to access
Have all of your relevant processes, procedures and policy documents readily available.

We would suggest that you include them as downloadable documents on your website and have hard copies available for review at the site(s) you use.

We would encourage you to be creative and display reference to them in posters at your facility or in a Welcome Pack for parents. 
Promote contact details
Make the contact information for relevant committee members and the Welfare/Safeguarding Officers easily accessible and known amongst parents, members/participants and staff/volunteers.

Again, try to make sure the details are on your website, displayed at the site you use and included in any new joiner or induction information you share with parents. 
Highlight your qualifications
The information you give parents when their children join could also include a list of relevant qualifications held by your club/organisation’s coaches and officials.

You could also use your marketing channels, like social media, to announce when staff are awarded new qualifications.