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Your online presence can play an important role in engaging people.

By online presence, we mean all the ways you share information online, including your website and social media channels.

When looking for more information or opportunities to take part in sport and physical activity, the internet is the first port of call for lots of people. 87% of UK adults accessed the internet daily or almost every day in 2019 (Office of National Statistics).

Your online presence can be visible to everyone, and it's likely that lots of people with a wide range of interests will look at it, so it's important it reflects who you are and appeals to those you want to reach.

What does your online presence say about your organisation?

Taking a step back to look at what your online presence says about you can be really valuable. Having a strong online presence can help you to:

  • Show people what you're all about, so they can work out if you're a good fit for them.
  • Tell people about your activities and facilities, who they're for, and when and where they run.
  • Get new people interested and give them confidence they'll be met with a positive experience.
  • Keep your existing people engaged and connected with each other.
  • Give people access to the information they need.
  • Give people confidence that your activities are safe and your organisation is well-run.
  • Promote your offer, and boost your membership and reputation.
  • Help attract funding and sponsorship.
Fitness group

Digital Marketing Hub

A free platform (from CIMSPA and Sport England) to help those involved in the delivery of sport and physical activity gain confidence and new skills.

Choose from on-demand learning, a certified course, a webinar series, 1:1 mentoring and opportunities to network with people in similar roles. 

Digital Marketing Hub