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Creating your social media policy

Developing your policy needn’t be complicated or time consuming. Make your social media policy an extension of your club’s existing Code of Conduct or other related policies.

That way, it’s not a completely new set of rules and it’s tied to well-established practices that existing members should already be familiar with.

Let people know this policy exists, where they can find it and who is the point of contact for any queries or concerns. 

Suggestions for your social media policy

Encourage its use
Social media is an excellent tool for promoting activities and engaging with your members, so encourage social media use for club-related purposes.

This could include members asking who's coming to training or when the next game is taking place.
Use common sense
Use your best judgement at all times.

If you’re not sure if something is appropriate, or could upset someone, then don’t post it.
Be kind
Be respectful, kind and civil. You should not tolerate discrimination or hateful comments about anyone, including your rivals.

Anything posted on the behalf of your club is permanent and a reflection of the club and its members.
Don't waffle
Keep messages short and to the point.

Speak in a warm, approachable tone and most importantly, be yourself.
Respect copyrights
Always give people proper credit for their work, and make sure you have the right to use something before you use it.

For example, you should ask for permission to use match photographs taken by someone else.
Be careful
Only publish information that is publically available.

Don't post anyone's private contact details without checking with them first.
Be secure
Social media accounts should be created using an official club email address, which someone should monitor.

Passwords must be protected and any suspicions of account hacking should be raised with the social media platform as quickly as possible.
Consequences for misuse
There should be consequences for misuse.

For example, failure by members to adhere to the policy could result in disciplinary action, or even expulsion from your group, in extreme cases.