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Get involved

We do our best to bring you all of our Buddle resources without having to log in, but there are a couple things that mean it's a better experience for everyone if you're logged in.

These are our Health Check and Disability Inclusion Hub tools. Use the forms below to log in or sign up, then you can use our tools and keep a record of your results to help track your club's progress as you put our advice and resources to use!

Please note

If you had an account with Club Matters previously, your account has been moved across but you'll need to reset your password.

Once signed on, on your account page will be a record of your past results from the Club Matters tools, and a button allowing you to update your details - we'd kindly request that you update your details after logging in for the first time, so that we can keep you up to date with all the latest goings on at Buddle.